I'm sorry I've been away for so long. It's been kind-of crazy around this house. : ) I'm not really sure how to sum up what's been happening this week. Actually, I don't even remember when the last time I was on was, so I'm just going to begin with Monday.
Monday was my first drivers-ed class. Normally, first time experiences don't bother me, but this was that awful first-day-of-school feeling. It's just being around so many other teenagers that I don't know, really. I'm fine with adults (because their conversations are actually about something and are not hindered by mind-encumbering hormones), but I have a hard time identifying with people my own age. And the chairs! The awful, tailbone bruising chairs! Try sitting for three hours straight on one of those things! OUCH! The classes really are as boring as they say they are, too. The teacher seems to really care (even if he is a little harsh), but I don't think there's much he could do that would help with the curriculum. Still, as a force of habit, I've been taking notes to help me pay attention.
Wednesday was one of those days when everything just seemed to go wrong. We got into Chardon fifteen minutes early for drivers-ed, only for me to realize that my papers were still at home. So we dropped Rosey off at the church for her CAT meeting, and rushed back home. By the time we got back (it was only ten after six, at the latest), I had been locked out of the class. I pounded on the door, twisted the handle every which way, and wracked my mind for possible ways of getting in, but after 5-10 minutes of it, I was ready to go home and cry. This, however, was not in God's plans. My mother, seeing how dismally affected I was, took me to Dairy Queen (I love my mom!), where we met up with the Praxes. Mrs. Prax is leading worship this week, and told me she could use another singer! At the time, when I was locked out of the class, I felt horrible, but God clearly had other plans, and I'll be singing on the worship team tomorrow. :)
This week, I've also managed to read Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. To my surprise, it wasn't such a bad read. The mindset of the time period irritates me (the point of life before marriage is not just to find someone to get marrried to!), I liked the fact that Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy were humbled after meeting each other, and that they were dynamic and characters. The way in which they were clearly destined for each other reminded me that my Savior has someone just as perfect for me waiting, too, and he'll come into my life when God intends him to.
Enoch has been doing well. The only problem seems to be that Misty, Rosey's cat, absolutely abhors him! She's been seen chasing him around the house, breathing down his back, hissing at him in a very menacing way. Luckily for Enoch, though, she's put on quite a few pounds in recent months, and there are places he can escape to which she can't reach.
Cleaning out my room turned out to be one of the best, and most worthwhile projects I could have given myself this summer. There was so much stuff to get rid of and to rediscover, and I'm not even done yet! I still have to clean out everything from underneath my bed and my dresser, but everything other than that is now organized and in a rightful place.
I'll see most of you tomorrow morning, and to those I don't, I hope to see you in the near future. God bless!
- Becca
Saturday, July 26, 2008
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oh becca I so understand the whole drivers ed thing. I didn't know anyone in my class and i didn't say a word the whole first week. one time i wore and tank top with stars on it and I got called the star girl. ~lauren
Glad u could sing it was fun, and DQ was fun too! We luv chocolate..yum.
Hello R,
God does have a wonderful plan! & your singing was lovely both at church and at youth group, so I am happy that things worked out.
I am also impressed how you are reading P&P! Even if you don't like the 'mindset,' I hope you like her writing style and characters, which you seem to.
Have a great rest of the week, and hopefully driver's ed will get better. I haven't gotton there yet, but October is when I am technically allowed to get my temps...so we'll see!
Hi Becca!
I have missed you alot since you left for vacation.
I know how you feel about the whole cleaning out your room. I do that on ocation but mostly that happens when I am re-aranging my room. Oh well....
On Saturday I'll be working on a desk we have had for a while. Sanding, painting and stuff like that. But you won't believe why I am doing it! I am getting my own desk to work and write! I'm so happy! Lord willing we are gonna put it in the hallway and I'm gonna have a cute little bulletin board and pics and a trash basket and everything! Woohoo!
See you soon-
~Hanna~ P.S.-Sorry for the long comment!
Sorry about drivers ed. Hang in there, it will be so worth it when you get your license!
I'm glad you got to sing on Sunday. Sorry I missed it. I've been sick for a little while but should be at church this Sunday.
I love cleaning and organizing. It is such a feeling of accomplishment when it's all done.
Love, Mrs. K.
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