I'm sorry I've been away for so long. It's been kind-of crazy around this house. : ) I'm not really sure how to sum up what's been happening this week. Actually, I don't even remember when the last time I was on was, so I'm just going to begin with Monday.
Monday was my first drivers-ed class. Normally, first time experiences don't bother me, but this was that awful first-day-of-school feeling. It's just being around so many other teenagers that I don't know, really. I'm fine with adults (because their conversations are actually about something and are not hindered by mind-encumbering hormones), but I have a hard time identifying with people my own age. And the chairs! The awful, tailbone bruising chairs! Try sitting for three hours straight on one of those things! OUCH! The classes really are as boring as they say they are, too. The teacher seems to really care (even if he is a little harsh), but I don't think there's much he could do that would help with the curriculum. Still, as a force of habit, I've been taking notes to help me pay attention.
Wednesday was one of those days when everything just seemed to go wrong. We got into Chardon fifteen minutes early for drivers-ed, only for me to realize that my papers were still at home. So we dropped Rosey off at the church for her CAT meeting, and rushed back home. By the time we got back (it was only ten after six, at the latest), I had been locked out of the class. I pounded on the door, twisted the handle every which way, and wracked my mind for possible ways of getting in, but after 5-10 minutes of it, I was ready to go home and cry. This, however, was not in God's plans. My mother, seeing how dismally affected I was, took me to Dairy Queen (I love my mom!), where we met up with the Praxes. Mrs. Prax is leading worship this week, and told me she could use another singer! At the time, when I was locked out of the class, I felt horrible, but God clearly had other plans, and I'll be singing on the worship team tomorrow. :)
This week, I've also managed to read Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. To my surprise, it wasn't such a bad read. The mindset of the time period irritates me (the point of life before marriage is not just to find someone to get marrried to!), I liked the fact that Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy were humbled after meeting each other, and that they were dynamic and characters. The way in which they were clearly destined for each other reminded me that my Savior has someone just as perfect for me waiting, too, and he'll come into my life when God intends him to.
Enoch has been doing well. The only problem seems to be that Misty, Rosey's cat, absolutely abhors him! She's been seen chasing him around the house, breathing down his back, hissing at him in a very menacing way. Luckily for Enoch, though, she's put on quite a few pounds in recent months, and there are places he can escape to which she can't reach.
Cleaning out my room turned out to be one of the best, and most worthwhile projects I could have given myself this summer. There was so much stuff to get rid of and to rediscover, and I'm not even done yet! I still have to clean out everything from underneath my bed and my dresser, but everything other than that is now organized and in a rightful place.
I'll see most of you tomorrow morning, and to those I don't, I hope to see you in the near future. God bless!
- Becca
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Monday, July 14, 2008
Dog Sitting and Food Poisoning
I realize I'm posting twice in one day, but as that doesn't seem to be against the rules, I'm going to go ahead and do it. I figured I'd better explain about my weekend. : )
I spent most of Friday just reading before I went to the Hayne's house, so not much to report there other than that I forgot to pack pajamas. So...yeah. That wasn't a very comfortable night. Okay, actually, it was pretty miserable, but I got through it.
Saturday was pretty busy. I got up earlier than I normally would have because I was spending the night in a bed other than my own, and I never sleep well in a different bed. I was walking from the Hayne's house to the shop where I volunteer, so I left at about 9:25 to get there by 10:00. However, about halfway to the square, I realized I'd forgotten to put on deodorant! Talk about stopping in mid-step! Normally, I wouldn't have been bothered; I don't typically sweat. But I was going to walking in very hot weather under the blazing sun, so I turned around and went back. After the day at the shop, which went smoother than usual, I went to Casey C.'s wedding shower. I'm so happy for her! She and Jaymee are going to have such a wonderful life together. I went home after that to get my pajamas and to see my kitties (I miss them when I'm watching dogs), and then went back to the Haynes's house to spend the night in a little more comfort.
Sunday started out pretty uneventful. I got up, realized it was raining, and called Mrs. G. to see if she could give me a ride to the church. (I had intended to walk, but this was out of the question because of the rain.) She didn't have room, but called Mrs. W., who did. I decided to eat a little something before she got there, even though breakfast is something I don't often have, and about three minutes later, I was incapacitated. Apparently, the piece of chicken ring was a little too old, because I had food poisoning. I don't think I've ever had pain that bad! It made me wonder how I could ever think of getting through labor pains, when I was writhing and unable to get up because of food poisoning! Mr. and Mrs. W. came to the house about five minutes later, but I couldn't get to the door, so Mr. W. left to take Mrs. W. to the church and came back to discover me on the couch. I was so grateful he was there! Well, to put it mildly, I upchucked and miraculously felt a lot better. My mom came for me shortly afterward and I went home for a little bit, but I was feeling well enough to go to church by 10:00.
Youth Group was great. We're still watching the Truth Project, and I absolutely love it! I'm learning so much and it really makes you think. I tried not to answer all the questions this time - and I promise I did really try - but it's like an insuppressible reflex. I told them to to bring out the duct tape next time. But you'll all be rid of me and my big mouth for the first couple weeks of August: I'm going on vacation. Enjoy it! lol
I spent most of Friday just reading before I went to the Hayne's house, so not much to report there other than that I forgot to pack pajamas. So...yeah. That wasn't a very comfortable night. Okay, actually, it was pretty miserable, but I got through it.
Saturday was pretty busy. I got up earlier than I normally would have because I was spending the night in a bed other than my own, and I never sleep well in a different bed. I was walking from the Hayne's house to the shop where I volunteer, so I left at about 9:25 to get there by 10:00. However, about halfway to the square, I realized I'd forgotten to put on deodorant! Talk about stopping in mid-step! Normally, I wouldn't have been bothered; I don't typically sweat. But I was going to walking in very hot weather under the blazing sun, so I turned around and went back. After the day at the shop, which went smoother than usual, I went to Casey C.'s wedding shower. I'm so happy for her! She and Jaymee are going to have such a wonderful life together. I went home after that to get my pajamas and to see my kitties (I miss them when I'm watching dogs), and then went back to the Haynes's house to spend the night in a little more comfort.
Sunday started out pretty uneventful. I got up, realized it was raining, and called Mrs. G. to see if she could give me a ride to the church. (I had intended to walk, but this was out of the question because of the rain.) She didn't have room, but called Mrs. W., who did. I decided to eat a little something before she got there, even though breakfast is something I don't often have, and about three minutes later, I was incapacitated. Apparently, the piece of chicken ring was a little too old, because I had food poisoning. I don't think I've ever had pain that bad! It made me wonder how I could ever think of getting through labor pains, when I was writhing and unable to get up because of food poisoning! Mr. and Mrs. W. came to the house about five minutes later, but I couldn't get to the door, so Mr. W. left to take Mrs. W. to the church and came back to discover me on the couch. I was so grateful he was there! Well, to put it mildly, I upchucked and miraculously felt a lot better. My mom came for me shortly afterward and I went home for a little bit, but I was feeling well enough to go to church by 10:00.
Youth Group was great. We're still watching the Truth Project, and I absolutely love it! I'm learning so much and it really makes you think. I tried not to answer all the questions this time - and I promise I did really try - but it's like an insuppressible reflex. I told them to to bring out the duct tape next time. But you'll all be rid of me and my big mouth for the first couple weeks of August: I'm going on vacation. Enjoy it! lol
Tears to Roses
I promised Mrs. G. and Mrs. K that I would post this, so I will. It's a narrative of something that I struggled with, and God brought me through. And it's about something every teenage girl will inevitably struggle with at some point: a boy. I hope it bring you hope and encouragement. It made me realize that God, the author of the universe, is writing my story, and that the right man will come at the right time. What an awesome truth! I originally meant for this to be personal, but I think it will tell you a lot about me. So without further ado, here is a narration about a struggle I faced that I've decided to call Tears to Roses.
It’s odd how just when you think you have everything together, the rug gets pulled out from beneath your feet. In your mind, everything is under control, nothing can surprise you. You’re so confident you think you could walk through a furnace and not get burned. Instead, you get plunged into an ocean.
I thought I was doing fine, that there were no boys that could tempt me more than I could bear. Of course, a wayward smile at the mall or a close friend trying to get closer would make me blush, but I stood firm: I would not date, I would not even consider it. I never thought I’d second guess myself.
I don’t know when it started, because it was so gradual. It began with castaway thoughts in my head. I’d find my mind flitting to him when it should have been busy focused on other things. It thrilled me to be around him, even though it was uncomfortable. Before long, I was drawing hearts around the first letter of his name, something I’d never done with any boy, even during my flirtatious, scatter-brained preteen years. I couldn’t keep myself from looking at him, delighting in his very presence, before I would mentally reprimand myself for doing so. Having him talk to me was incredible, especially since during the majority of the years we’ve known each other, he hardly ever said a word to me.
One thing built upon another, escalating until I had to admit it to myself; I had a crush on him, and I was too far gone to deny it. I spent that night, and many other nights since then, sobbing into my pillows with loneliness and demanding to know why I felt this way. I’d never wanted so badly to be held! Seeing Michael with my best friend Katie only made it worse; the way he’d sweetly wrap his arms around her waist and hold her from behind. It made me realize I wanted someone who would do that with me, and I wanted it badly. It must have started sometime in February, but by the time May arrived, I couldn’t enjoy Spring Formal. I went alone, and I spent every minute of it wishing he was there.
But none of that was the worst part. Not the aching loneliness, not the untamed thoughts, not even the dreadful and yet amazing feeling I got being around him. No, the worst part was that I knew he didn’t think of me at all. And why should he? He could have some girl ten times prettier than me wrapped around his finger, so why would he waste his thoughts on me? Except I knew that wasn’t true. Sure, he could be taking his gorgeous girlfriend on a picturesque night out, but I didn’t really think that little of him to assume he would. The reason I’d fallen for him wasn’t because he was handsome, or because he’d suddenly begun to talk to me, it was because he takes care of his family. He makes sure his mother is looked after and he takes care of his siblings. He stays home the nights when he could be out doing more enjoyable things because he knows how much his family needs him. And, more importantly, he cares about God. He’s not your average teenage guy, and that’s the problem.
He still makes me cry at night, and of course, he doesn’t even know it. And he never will. It made me angry at first. Why had God allowed me to have these feelings if they couldn’t be satisfied? But then I realized, God can even use my raging teenage hormones to teach me things.
The truth?
Every girl wants someone to give her roses, to hold her when she’s sad, to sneak up and give her a hug from behind, to take her on long walks away from everyone else, to want her back. And a lot of the time, a girl can become impatient and accept these things from a boy who admires nothing more than her body. But if we’re willing to wait, and give these desires over to God, He can provide us with someone so perfect for us we realize we didn’t even know what to ask for. He’s so faithful, and so loving, and He’ll provide for our every need. Because sometimes, a woman does indeed need a man. That’s why God made things called hormones; so that a loving, godly man can someday wipe away the tears they’ve caused, and give her a rose instead.
It’s odd how just when you think you have everything together, the rug gets pulled out from beneath your feet. In your mind, everything is under control, nothing can surprise you. You’re so confident you think you could walk through a furnace and not get burned. Instead, you get plunged into an ocean.
I thought I was doing fine, that there were no boys that could tempt me more than I could bear. Of course, a wayward smile at the mall or a close friend trying to get closer would make me blush, but I stood firm: I would not date, I would not even consider it. I never thought I’d second guess myself.
I don’t know when it started, because it was so gradual. It began with castaway thoughts in my head. I’d find my mind flitting to him when it should have been busy focused on other things. It thrilled me to be around him, even though it was uncomfortable. Before long, I was drawing hearts around the first letter of his name, something I’d never done with any boy, even during my flirtatious, scatter-brained preteen years. I couldn’t keep myself from looking at him, delighting in his very presence, before I would mentally reprimand myself for doing so. Having him talk to me was incredible, especially since during the majority of the years we’ve known each other, he hardly ever said a word to me.
One thing built upon another, escalating until I had to admit it to myself; I had a crush on him, and I was too far gone to deny it. I spent that night, and many other nights since then, sobbing into my pillows with loneliness and demanding to know why I felt this way. I’d never wanted so badly to be held! Seeing Michael with my best friend Katie only made it worse; the way he’d sweetly wrap his arms around her waist and hold her from behind. It made me realize I wanted someone who would do that with me, and I wanted it badly. It must have started sometime in February, but by the time May arrived, I couldn’t enjoy Spring Formal. I went alone, and I spent every minute of it wishing he was there.
But none of that was the worst part. Not the aching loneliness, not the untamed thoughts, not even the dreadful and yet amazing feeling I got being around him. No, the worst part was that I knew he didn’t think of me at all. And why should he? He could have some girl ten times prettier than me wrapped around his finger, so why would he waste his thoughts on me? Except I knew that wasn’t true. Sure, he could be taking his gorgeous girlfriend on a picturesque night out, but I didn’t really think that little of him to assume he would. The reason I’d fallen for him wasn’t because he was handsome, or because he’d suddenly begun to talk to me, it was because he takes care of his family. He makes sure his mother is looked after and he takes care of his siblings. He stays home the nights when he could be out doing more enjoyable things because he knows how much his family needs him. And, more importantly, he cares about God. He’s not your average teenage guy, and that’s the problem.
He still makes me cry at night, and of course, he doesn’t even know it. And he never will. It made me angry at first. Why had God allowed me to have these feelings if they couldn’t be satisfied? But then I realized, God can even use my raging teenage hormones to teach me things.
The truth?
Every girl wants someone to give her roses, to hold her when she’s sad, to sneak up and give her a hug from behind, to take her on long walks away from everyone else, to want her back. And a lot of the time, a girl can become impatient and accept these things from a boy who admires nothing more than her body. But if we’re willing to wait, and give these desires over to God, He can provide us with someone so perfect for us we realize we didn’t even know what to ask for. He’s so faithful, and so loving, and He’ll provide for our every need. Because sometimes, a woman does indeed need a man. That’s why God made things called hormones; so that a loving, godly man can someday wipe away the tears they’ve caused, and give her a rose instead.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
This Week
It's been a long week. It seems like I'm alternately doing tons and then nothing day by day! I love summer break, but every once-in-awhile, I get frustrated with it. But I guess that happens to the best of us.
Sunday was church, of course, and I was in the back with the kids. (Mrs. List and Stephen had to swap weeks with my mother and me because they're both very ill, so keep them in your prayers. Hopefully, they're better by now.) I helped Mr. Patterson, who seems like a very good teacher. All the kids love him, and they're learning a lot, but he's still very nervous every time he has to speak, so be praying that God would give him confidence! He also seems like the type of speaker who would do very well talking to teenagers. The way he delivers his message just seems geared that way.
After church, we had to rush home and then rush to the calling hours for Aunt Esther. It was a very somber affair; lots of hugs and tears, and I saw many cousins I very rarely see more than once or twice a year. Afterwards, my family and my grandparents went to Covered Bridge Pizza, and I was in one of those moods when I was hungry, but just didn't feel like eating. It was frustrating for my family, and probably for the waitress, who had just started, and I felt horrible, but after looking over the menu several times I managed to pick something I thought looked good.
Monday was the funeral. I got all dressed-up in black only to come out to find both Rosey and Mom wearing pink! My mom told me what I had on would be too hot and that I really didn't have to wear black(it was supposed to be almost 90, the church didn't have air conditioning, and I was in long sleeves), and I went and changed into my signature blue. When I came back out, it was to find Jamie wearing jeans! Oh, I could have strangled her! I'm going to be very honest and admit that I'm frequently irritated by her these days, when she's even home or not locked up in her room chatting on the phone. But I'll stop there. Anyway, my mom made her go change into something more respectful, and we went to breakfast and then the funeral. It was a nice service, full of hope for salvation and good things to say about Aunt Esther, and after the luncheon across the street, we went home.
Tuesday wound up being one of those days when I do nothing. My dad was planning on cooking chicken on the grill, but the rain didn't let up in time, so we ordered from Georgio's again. When my mom finally got fed up with waiting, she gave me my present, and I opened it with her and my dad flitting in and out of the room. (Rosey and Jamie were in their rooms respectively.) I got the Holman Student Study Bible (which I had pointed out to her at Borders). It's very cool, it has quotes from famous Christian philosophers, lots of map, charts, and tables, and my name embossed on the leather cover. She also got me a cd by Laura Story, a necklace, and a keychain. The reason she didn't give them to me during the joint birthday party was because she didn't have anything to wrap them in. All in all, it wasn't a bad birthday.
Yesterday wound up being busier than I expected. I made enough filling for two chicken rings (I got the recipe from Fair Maidens), which took a couple hours, and we took the one I had time to bake to Mrs. Haynes. My mom bought me a picture from her, one of the Square's gazebo at Christmas time, and we discussed the times when I would be watching Sweetpea and Delilah, her two dogs. Mrs. Haynes is truly a wonderful photographer; I love looking at her work. After that, it was to Dr. K. for a chiropractic check-up. My dad cooked on the grill last night after failing to on Tuesday, but he started too late, and I wound up being late to worship practice again! (I was late last week because I lost track of time when I was doing chores)
Today, I've finally gotten to check my email and various other things, and I'm surprised I found it vacated. Rosey very considerately lets me on when she knows I haven't been able to check my email in awhile, but other people have been occupying it lately.
Tomorrow evening, I go to dogsit for Mrs. Haynes again, so I won't be on for the weekend.
I'll see most of you Sunday! God Bless!
- Becca
Sunday was church, of course, and I was in the back with the kids. (Mrs. List and Stephen had to swap weeks with my mother and me because they're both very ill, so keep them in your prayers. Hopefully, they're better by now.) I helped Mr. Patterson, who seems like a very good teacher. All the kids love him, and they're learning a lot, but he's still very nervous every time he has to speak, so be praying that God would give him confidence! He also seems like the type of speaker who would do very well talking to teenagers. The way he delivers his message just seems geared that way.
After church, we had to rush home and then rush to the calling hours for Aunt Esther. It was a very somber affair; lots of hugs and tears, and I saw many cousins I very rarely see more than once or twice a year. Afterwards, my family and my grandparents went to Covered Bridge Pizza, and I was in one of those moods when I was hungry, but just didn't feel like eating. It was frustrating for my family, and probably for the waitress, who had just started, and I felt horrible, but after looking over the menu several times I managed to pick something I thought looked good.
Monday was the funeral. I got all dressed-up in black only to come out to find both Rosey and Mom wearing pink! My mom told me what I had on would be too hot and that I really didn't have to wear black(it was supposed to be almost 90, the church didn't have air conditioning, and I was in long sleeves), and I went and changed into my signature blue. When I came back out, it was to find Jamie wearing jeans! Oh, I could have strangled her! I'm going to be very honest and admit that I'm frequently irritated by her these days, when she's even home or not locked up in her room chatting on the phone. But I'll stop there. Anyway, my mom made her go change into something more respectful, and we went to breakfast and then the funeral. It was a nice service, full of hope for salvation and good things to say about Aunt Esther, and after the luncheon across the street, we went home.
Tuesday wound up being one of those days when I do nothing. My dad was planning on cooking chicken on the grill, but the rain didn't let up in time, so we ordered from Georgio's again. When my mom finally got fed up with waiting, she gave me my present, and I opened it with her and my dad flitting in and out of the room. (Rosey and Jamie were in their rooms respectively.) I got the Holman Student Study Bible (which I had pointed out to her at Borders). It's very cool, it has quotes from famous Christian philosophers, lots of map, charts, and tables, and my name embossed on the leather cover. She also got me a cd by Laura Story, a necklace, and a keychain. The reason she didn't give them to me during the joint birthday party was because she didn't have anything to wrap them in. All in all, it wasn't a bad birthday.
Yesterday wound up being busier than I expected. I made enough filling for two chicken rings (I got the recipe from Fair Maidens), which took a couple hours, and we took the one I had time to bake to Mrs. Haynes. My mom bought me a picture from her, one of the Square's gazebo at Christmas time, and we discussed the times when I would be watching Sweetpea and Delilah, her two dogs. Mrs. Haynes is truly a wonderful photographer; I love looking at her work. After that, it was to Dr. K. for a chiropractic check-up. My dad cooked on the grill last night after failing to on Tuesday, but he started too late, and I wound up being late to worship practice again! (I was late last week because I lost track of time when I was doing chores)
Today, I've finally gotten to check my email and various other things, and I'm surprised I found it vacated. Rosey very considerately lets me on when she knows I haven't been able to check my email in awhile, but other people have been occupying it lately.
Tomorrow evening, I go to dogsit for Mrs. Haynes again, so I won't be on for the weekend.
I'll see most of you Sunday! God Bless!
- Becca
Saturday, July 5, 2008
My Holiday Weekend (so far)

last paragraph)
this ^ is my pretty darling Jael. You can't see
her bright green eyes here, but she's still
gorgeous! : )

This is my friend Katie holding Misty. See the insane eyes? lol
My weekends are starting to feel a little bit overwhelming. It seems like I have all the free time in the world during the week, but when Friday and especially Saturday and Sunday come, I'm tied up! So...shall we start with Thursday? lol That's when my weekend actually started this time, I think.
We bought a car!!!! I can't adequately describe how happy I am. Can you role "ecstatic," "startled," and "elated" into one word? Well anyway, it's a blue toyota camry solara, and it's not my car (even though my cd is in the player, my sunglasses are in the sunglasses holder, and I picked out the dolphin air freshener), but I'll probably be the one driving it the most often once I get my license. (Just took a break to eat dinner. If you ever feel like educating your tastebuds, try the Wreck from Georgio's. Mmmm!) We bought the camry at the dealership on the corner of Route 6 and 608. The two men who own the business (Mr. Phil Sr. and Mr. Phil Jr.) are truly Christian men who deal with integrity. We got to ride with Mr. Phil Sr. up to Mentor to our mechanic who my dad likes to have look at cars when we think we might like to buy one, and we had the most incredible conversation of hope and salvation. It wasn't what we were expecting from a car dealership, but it was wonderful. And it was truly of God. They'd had the car for a month, and Mr. Phil Jr. decided to put it in a more noticeable position right when my mom had finally decided we really needed another car. The Lord's timing is just too perfect!
Later that night was the youth group (I have to remember to call it Generation now) bonfire. There wasn't actually a bonfire because we felt that it was too wet and muddy, but we did eat and play outside for a couple hours before going inside to play Scene-It. As I was helping Mrs. Rogers carry things up from the garage outside, Toby started fussing and I was the only one in the room. After a moment of lip biting and glancing around hopefully for someone else, I picked him up, paranoid about supporting the head just like I always am. Now, to me, the most natural thing to do to get a baby to stop crying is to sing (and hey, it worked with Jonathon for a little bit on Saturday), so I started up Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing, which is my absolute favorite hymn. And you know what? He went right to sleep! I guess there's something about praising the Lord that settles babies. Mr. Rogers walked by me after a little while and told me that was one of his favorite hymns, and I was startled. I didn't know anyone from our church knew it; I'd learned it at Zeal! But it was encouraging. My unfounded belief that Mr. Rogers doesn't like me has finally been dispelled. If you didn't know this already, I am very, very sensitive about what others think of me, especially adults I like up to and peers. It's not entirely rational, and I've gotten better with it, but I'm very good at coming up with reasons for everyone I know to completely hate me. So...there. There's a rather big tidbit about my personality. Grr...I'm self-psychiatrizng myself again! Yeah, that's another thing I do. I would be one of those psychology students who thinks they've got everything in their text book, mark my words!
On Friday, which was the fourth, we decided to combine the annual celebration with Jamie and my birthdays. We didn't go to the family reunion/picnic like we usually do every year because my dad thought it would be too wet and muddy, but we invited over my grandparents and aunt and uncle, and had a cook-out. My dad bought this delicious (and expensive. $10.99 to the pound!) prime-rib and cooked it on his roticery on the grill, and it was amazing! I mean, my dad might not be any Guy Cad (I'm stealing that quote from Mr. Rogers. I actually have a couple quotes that I've stolen from him.), but he's quite the grill master! Well, Jamie had actually gone to Geneva on the Lake with her boyfriend Buddy and his aunt, and once they got back we all ate...except for Uncle Mike and Aunt Nene. My aunt Nene's father has been in the hospital for some time, and they'd been there visiting him, so they were understandably very late. Jamie opened her presents, thanked everyone, and then left with Buddy and his aunt, Karen, to go to the fireworks in Warren. I was a little upset, I'll admit; so much for my sweet sixteen! But then I realized I was just being selfish and petty, focusing on the traditions of a culture, and I quickly asked God to help me overcome it. Which, He did, I'm glad to say. My birthday isn't even till the eighth anyway, so I was just being silly. Well, my parents decided to save their present for me until my actual birthday (which makes me very curious as to what it is, because they've never done that before), but I received some very nice gifts and familiar smiles. My dad actually got me a keyboard that plugs into my computer so I can record and do different things with my music at the start of the week, but he told me it was for my grades, not my birthday. Jamie got me a dreamcatcher and $20 so that when the new book in the Twilight series comes out I can buy it; Aunt Nene and Uncle Mike gave me an iTunes gift card for $25 dollars, because they know how much I love music (I've already used $15 dollars of it!); and my grandparents gave me a very pretty piggy-bank and a soft shawl so that during the next Spring Formal at my school, I'll be warm. After that, we went into the kitchen, and the prettiest icecream cake was on the table. My mom even got a little Sleeping Beauty figure (my favorite Disney Cartoon and one of my favorite of Grimms' Fairytales), to put on it for me! Jamie was gone by then, so she didn't have to suffer through the girlishness, but I was overjoyed. It wasn't such a bittersweet sixteen as I had expected, what with the death of Aunt Esther and the absence of my sister.
Today, of course, I volunteered at the Discovery Shop in Chardon from 10-2. Then my dad met me across the street at Taco Bell and we ate lunch together. We then went up to Walmart to look for a volleyball net, since Rosey and I are going to be on the school team this year, but we didn't find one there. However, I did buy a dolphin air freshener for "not my" car and a pack of my favorite gum, and I even saw a very old friend whom I used to take karate with! We then went up to Dick's in Mentor (I drove), and bought a net, only to come home and find out it wasn't a volleyball net but a tetherball! That one was a little embarrassing, especially since I'd been the one to pick it out! My dad plans to take it back tomorrow while we're at church.
Tomorrow, after worship practice and church, are Aunt Esther's calling hours. So, if I'm wearing black, that's why. She was my grandfather's sister-in-law, so we'll probably be there for awhile, which is most likely a good thing. Jeffrey, her son, relies very much on my dad, and I think it will be good for him to have my dad there. My grandparents were especially close to her, and it will be good for them to have my mother's support. My mom's always been like that; supporting people. She might never say much, but you can always count on her for a kind word, sympathy, wisdom, and encouragement. And she always helps, whether noticeably, or in the background. I hope I can grow up to be such a God-honoring woman.
On an entirely separate note, the cats are doing better with each other. Misty has been wandering around the house meowing for no real reason again (yes, that's normal for her. There's a reason we refer to her as our insane cat who needs counseling.). Jael actually let Enoch sleep on the same bed with her yesterday, which is a huge improvement. She doesn't hiss at him anymore, but she does give him a deep growl if he's annoying her too much. Mercy, of course, is aloof and couldn't care less as long as he knows she's in charge.
Well, that's it for now. I promise, I will try to post some pictures soon! They're on my mom's camera (despite my OCD and the organization I try to surround myself in, I can't find mine anywhere), and I don't know where her cable is. Actually, I'll post a couple pictures now. I have some older ones, none of Enoch, but of Jael and I think Misty.
God bless!
- Becca
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
All and Nothing
Well, as I put it to one friend, absolutely nothing and a whole lot has been going on this summer. From Enoch to Generation, and from sleeping in to days on end spent at home, I'm actually rather enjoying it.
There wasn't any youth group on Sunday because of the movie "How to Raise a Responsible Child", which has been fondly nicknamed the "monkey video" (yes, i have seen it, many years ago) Aaron and Josh M., Stephen R., Hannah L., and I were put in charge of the children for the hour that the movie took up. The boys watched the older group while Hannah and I were placed in the nursery. I must say, I was not at all looking forward to it. I generally can't stand children, especially when they're crying and they can't tell me what's wrong, but I didn't mind it so much Sunday night. We only had three babies, one of which was Jonathon M and another named Joshua who was already two. The third was a baby girl with a hard to remember but pretty name. She cried for a few minutes, but her brother was sent out to rescue us, and he spent the remainder of the movie walking around the back with her. My sincere appreciate goes out to him; thank the Lord for responsible teens who are willing to take care of their families! Mostly, everything went without a hitch. Jonathon cried for awhile, but his mother came out after around fifteen minutes and fed him, and then everything was fine. Hannah and I played with Joshua, throwing a tennis ball into the other room for him to chase and bring back to us, and he was very good. Hannah knew exactly what to do with all the children. She is such a blessing; she's very gifted with children. In the other room, we could hear the older children getting rowdy with Stephen, Aaron, and Josh, but when I asked later they said they were playing a game and that nothing was wrong. All three of them are growing into such godly young men! It never fails to astound me that the obnoxious little Stephen I knew when I was five has grown up to own his own landscaping businnes, play guitar on the worship team, and take care of his family the way he does. I respect him very much for the responsible young man he's turned into, and I thank God for all the young men of CCF.
Today was the last day Mrs. Buck and Olivia will be staying with us. Consequentially, my mom decided we should do something fun, so we went to Covered Bridge Pizza in Conneaut and the beach. The food at the restaurant was delicious, and it was wonderful to lay out in the sun and relax with family and friends.
But then, when we got in the car to come home, my mom got a call from my dad. My Great Aunt Ether died today. It was all the more horrible because cousin Jeff, her son, is in charge of the construction of our garage, and he was over at our house when he received the news. Aunt Esther is with the Lord now, and I'll always remember how she was always smiling and how her sweet laugh was so infectious that even my crabbiest relative couldn't help but join in the mirth. Please be praying for the family; it's come as a shock, and there's much grief being spread around.
The Bucks, Mom, Rosey, and I went to Dairy Queen to get ice cream, and we just got back a little while ago. Mrs. Buck and Olivia are leaving tomorrow, hopefully before nine o'clock. They were wonderful guests while they stayed with us.
One last note before I post this: an update on Enoch. He absolutely loves his new home, and everyone adores him...except our other cats. He's not phased by it, though; he loves to chase them around. He's smart enough to avoid Mercy, our smallest, black cat who reigns as queen of the house, but he continually antagonizes Rosey's insane tortoiseshell cat Misty and my pretty darling Jael. (I'll try to post pictures soon.) He's very spunky, and they just don't have the patience. It's been amusing for us, but not for Misty and Jael. Misty's taken to hiding under my bed when he wants to play, and Jael is sulkier than usual, but it'll pass soon. I know from experience that these things always pass. He'll become a regular member of the family, even if the other cats never quite like him. Mercy still doesn't like Jael (who I got last January after my cat Gideon drowned in my pond), but I think Enoch will be accepted after a couple months.
That's it, I suppose. This is by far my longest post yet, but as there doesn't seem to be a limit, it doesn't really matter. Adieu to you all!
- Becca
There wasn't any youth group on Sunday because of the movie "How to Raise a Responsible Child", which has been fondly nicknamed the "monkey video" (yes, i have seen it, many years ago) Aaron and Josh M., Stephen R., Hannah L., and I were put in charge of the children for the hour that the movie took up. The boys watched the older group while Hannah and I were placed in the nursery. I must say, I was not at all looking forward to it. I generally can't stand children, especially when they're crying and they can't tell me what's wrong, but I didn't mind it so much Sunday night. We only had three babies, one of which was Jonathon M and another named Joshua who was already two. The third was a baby girl with a hard to remember but pretty name. She cried for a few minutes, but her brother was sent out to rescue us, and he spent the remainder of the movie walking around the back with her. My sincere appreciate goes out to him; thank the Lord for responsible teens who are willing to take care of their families! Mostly, everything went without a hitch. Jonathon cried for awhile, but his mother came out after around fifteen minutes and fed him, and then everything was fine. Hannah and I played with Joshua, throwing a tennis ball into the other room for him to chase and bring back to us, and he was very good. Hannah knew exactly what to do with all the children. She is such a blessing; she's very gifted with children. In the other room, we could hear the older children getting rowdy with Stephen, Aaron, and Josh, but when I asked later they said they were playing a game and that nothing was wrong. All three of them are growing into such godly young men! It never fails to astound me that the obnoxious little Stephen I knew when I was five has grown up to own his own landscaping businnes, play guitar on the worship team, and take care of his family the way he does. I respect him very much for the responsible young man he's turned into, and I thank God for all the young men of CCF.
Today was the last day Mrs. Buck and Olivia will be staying with us. Consequentially, my mom decided we should do something fun, so we went to Covered Bridge Pizza in Conneaut and the beach. The food at the restaurant was delicious, and it was wonderful to lay out in the sun and relax with family and friends.
But then, when we got in the car to come home, my mom got a call from my dad. My Great Aunt Ether died today. It was all the more horrible because cousin Jeff, her son, is in charge of the construction of our garage, and he was over at our house when he received the news. Aunt Esther is with the Lord now, and I'll always remember how she was always smiling and how her sweet laugh was so infectious that even my crabbiest relative couldn't help but join in the mirth. Please be praying for the family; it's come as a shock, and there's much grief being spread around.
The Bucks, Mom, Rosey, and I went to Dairy Queen to get ice cream, and we just got back a little while ago. Mrs. Buck and Olivia are leaving tomorrow, hopefully before nine o'clock. They were wonderful guests while they stayed with us.
One last note before I post this: an update on Enoch. He absolutely loves his new home, and everyone adores him...except our other cats. He's not phased by it, though; he loves to chase them around. He's smart enough to avoid Mercy, our smallest, black cat who reigns as queen of the house, but he continually antagonizes Rosey's insane tortoiseshell cat Misty and my pretty darling Jael. (I'll try to post pictures soon.) He's very spunky, and they just don't have the patience. It's been amusing for us, but not for Misty and Jael. Misty's taken to hiding under my bed when he wants to play, and Jael is sulkier than usual, but it'll pass soon. I know from experience that these things always pass. He'll become a regular member of the family, even if the other cats never quite like him. Mercy still doesn't like Jael (who I got last January after my cat Gideon drowned in my pond), but I think Enoch will be accepted after a couple months.
That's it, I suppose. This is by far my longest post yet, but as there doesn't seem to be a limit, it doesn't really matter. Adieu to you all!
- Becca
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