Tuesday, August 26, 2008

If volleyball doesn't kill me, Trig will!

So, after last night's load of homework, I got to thinking. I thought about my schedule, the teachers I have this year, what I can expect from each class, and how I plan to manage it.
And then I got depressed. I realized that with Mr. Parry teaching both Bible 11 and English 11, I can expect a lot of time-consuming but altogether dull assignments that are going to eat up my study halls. Then, I realized that having two classes with Mrs. Hillman is going to mean two hours of homework, just from her. Trig is freely admitted to be the hardest math class taught at WCS, and I am not a math person, not to mention Physics, which I've had to miss two days in a row because of volleyball physicals. (I had to get two shots and have blood drawn because they think I might be anemic.) And then, I realized I'm going to have to study harder than ever to keep my grade in Spanish III up.
And then...I got more depressed. Because I thought about next year.
I will have Bible 12 with Mrs. Hillman, which will mean lots of in-depth boring homework assignments that take hours in and of themselves. I will have Calculus with Mrs. Hillman, which will mean having to do extra credit to keep my grade point average up in math. I will have Chemistry with Mrs. Hillman, which will mean a ton of memorization of things I hope I will never have to use in the practical world. I will have Biology II with Mr. Gregory, which although that means I will have an incredible teacher, it also means memorizing all the bones in the human body as well as in-depth dissection. I will have Civics with Mr. Gregory, which will mean memorizing all of the presidents, their parties, the states they're from, and how long they were president for. And I will have Creative Writing with Miss Perkins, which will undoubtedly be my favorite class, but which will add many more assignments to my work load.
And THEN I got even more depressed. Because I thought of all the other things I'm involved in: volunteering every Saturday, Fair Maidens every 2nd and 4th Saturday, worship team, youth group, volleyball, student council...I'm probably leaving something out, too. Plus, my mom wants me to get a job.
AND THEN...I realized I was being stupid and selfish. God has promised in His word not to give us more than we can handle. If it's in His will for me to take all these classes, be a leader in my community, church, and school, and to be the member of the volleyball team who means we can actually play, He'll help me through it. And why should I worry about next year on the second day of school this year? I need to have my eyes on the path ahead of me, not on the bridge where God will hold my hand as I pass over the rapids. It's not going to be easy, but I've been reassured: with His help (and only with His help), I'll get through. And I'll love where He takes me because of it.


Jen said...

Preach it!

miss_lep said...

you are not the only one becca read my blog to see what my trig teacher said. just take each days as it comes and try to stay calm! :)

Anonymous said...

Be praying for you.

miss_lep said...

Nice pictures of your vacation! I didn't see them until I left my last comment. Also I can so see you as an editor. It explains why you get upset when little things aren't in the right places!hehe!

runnergirl© said...

good optimistic outlook!
I will be praying for you. I am in the same boat of sometimes being overwhlemed- but at least we only have to take it one day at a time.
see you tomorrow. :)