Saturday, June 28, 2008

Do Hard Things

I'm currently in the middle of an icredible book called Do Hard Things by Alex and Brett Harris. The goal of the book is to "free teenagers from low expectations". It's probably one of the most insiteful and helpful books a teenager can read these days. Let me tell you a little bit of what God has commissioned these amazing nineteen year-olds to write.
Until the twentieth century (1900s), the word "teenager" was non-existant. You were either of child, or an adult. But as child labor laws came into affect, it was clear that a new age group was surfacing. Thus, the "teenager" was born. Since it first came into being, the word has been somewhat notorious. The majority of teenagers (not all of us, as anyone could tell by looking at the youth of CCF) have become lazy and careless when it comes to God when really, there's potential in us to be so much more! God calls us just as clearly and just as much as any adult, and we need to be ready to answer His voice when we hear it.
So teens, even when the whole world seems to be telling you that you're too irresponsible, hormone-filled, young, and rash, don't listen to it. God uses people at every stage in life, and if we're willing to step out and accept His calling, He'll take us places we never imagined we could go.


runnergirl© said...

Amen to that!
God is and has been using us, and that amazes me!

♥Miss Writer said...

I just bought this book at a Homeschool Conference! I am on chapter 3. I was up till 11 PM reading last night. I'll invite you to my blog.


Jen said...

Welcome to blogdom! I am excited to read your stuff.

Mrs. G

Jen said...

Oh Becca!
I am so happy u have a blog!
This is going 2 b great 2 read everything u do! Ok; so not everything! lol
I think u should read my blog 2!
We can get 2 know each other ssssoooo well!
Send me ur e-mail and and I'll add u and then send my blog address by e-mail! KK?
XXXXXOOOOO-Hanna G. p.s.-Mom just got me that book 2! Haven't read it yet though.

Lisa said...

Sounds like a very inspiring book. I'm getting it for Ash too.